November 30, 2010

my shadow


his eyes hold all the answers & breathes them against my nite-drenched skin with the seduction of untold ghost stories

his touch is extravagant fireworks flashing loud lilac without sound but burning its presence into the steel bars of my soul

his dreams penetrate my purple sending spirals of crimson flames into the sky of my mind declaring a change in my desires

his skin is my snow-white world of an eternal paradise dancing with sweet dark euphoria until the end of breathless with delirious uncontrolled passion

his voice is black crystal of an underwaters obsessed treasure orchestrating the mental tornadic waves in me by softening my razor-edged thoughts

& his love is the stars of hells midnite scattered upon me like onxy raindrops summoning me to drown into the forever of his world of shadowed bliss


{'TheCornerInMyWorld' pix by vasquaz}

November 23, 2010

wicked garden


the mud is silky smooth enough for a new something today
in the tiny garden of secrets planted the LiLiac way
the roses are a snowfrozen white & the violets a blissful rage
theres an eternal spot for you inside this blooming cage

my darling dear we have tried to pieces... so many bits of things said
but tonite youre receiving a heated machete slicing to the head
again like every other, you were a complete word-it-all this evening
& this time my tempertantrum was determined to fucking stop your breathing

dragging your once-loved-by-me body thru the Texas dirt
of midnite Southern roaches, dog piss & shells of bees... more than your worth
then stopping to think of how my purple will no longer be your slave
i smile & savagely kick you into your 'with love, Lili' grave

no more insane, no more loud silence
no more dam games & no more word violence
making your blood disappear into sheer while i sing&dance
not caring what i just did to you cause you had your chance

& yes darling, ima celebrate us & our kinda love forever on this day
by throwing a shot of tequila onto your secret place


{'FrozenRose' pix by mv79}

November 14, 2010



minds speeding
hearts twirling
eyes grinning
souls hungry
hand in hand

we know nothing will be the same after tonite

your lips tenderly shout at me
tempting me
to touch your piece of heaven

your eyes pulling me in
dangling hues of lust
to dip in your dark sin

my fingers starved for your flesh
i breathe closer to you
sending whispers
i want to sing our song

our bodies cascade into silken white
ripples of snow-liquid swallow us
as we devour eachother
in the wonderland of our love

flesh glistening
thoughts awakening
breaths roaring
emotions heavy
body in body

we know everything will be different in the morning

& we smile


{'PastRedemption2' pix by Gloredel}

November 9, 2010

midnite sun


if the serenity of forever

could cradle his black heart



an onyx diamond in time

no matter the distance

he loudly shined

insanely near or intimately far

i know that he

if he was the bright white buttonin the center of darkened silk

if he was the steam of shooting stars

failing to fall down

could not possibly bemore gorgeous

than in those treasured momentsi knew

i love

i still see...{'MoonandSun' pix by Jen_Beans}