his eyes hold all the answers & breathes them against my nite-drenched skin with the seduction of untold ghost stories
his touch is extravagant fireworks flashing loud lilac without sound but burning its presence into the steel bars of my soul
his dreams penetrate my purple sending spirals of crimson flames into the sky of my mind declaring a change in my desires
his skin is my snow-white world of an eternal paradise dancing with sweet dark euphoria until the end of breathless with delirious uncontrolled passion
his voice is black crystal of an underwaters obsessed treasure orchestrating the mental tornadic waves in me by softening my razor-edged thoughts
& his love is the stars of hells midnite scattered upon me like onxy raindrops summoning me to drown into the forever of his world of shadowed bliss
{'TheCornerInMyWorld' pix by vasquaz}
{'TheCornerInMyWorld' pix by vasquaz}